
My First Time Webcam Modeling – By Tanya

Hi, I’m Tanya and I’m 23 years old. This is the story of my first time camming. Like pretty much every other model, I had no idea what to expect the first time I got on the Webcam. I did as much research as I could so that I was prepared, I got a few toys and outfits, found a good studio, and had an account, but I still had no idea what was going to happen. 

“I was nervous and uncomfortable, but I knew I needed this to work for me.”

I was nervous and uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure how my customers were going to respond to me or whether I’d make any money at all. All I knew at the time was that I needed this to work for me. And I was willing to see this through to find out if I could make the kind of money that success stories and my webcam studio told me was possible. 

My first day with New Industry Models was a night shift. I sat with another girl (who was also new and would later become one of my best friends) and listened to an experienced webcam model explain how the website worked and give us advice on how to talk to customers. I was then given my private room to work from and was ready to get started. I was still nervous but felt a little more comfortable and logged in hoping for the best. 

“It was kind of a strange feeling knowing that everyone online could see me but I couldn’t see them”

It was a lot like any other chat room the only difference was I was the subject of the chat. There were various screen names some of them would stay and chat for a little bit, some would log right out, thankfully the ones that stayed always paid me some kind of compliment so I felt more comfortable knowing that at least the customers were nice. It was kind of a strange feeling knowing that everyone online could see me but I couldn’t see them the longer I remained online the easier it got. 

I started trying to do what the model that trained me told me to do. I greeted every customer by their screen name, I smiled often, and I tried to keep the conversation going as much as possible. I felt awkward at first but the more I looked like I was having fun the more customers seemed to stay in my room.  

“the model who trained me warned me about fake tips…”

One thing I’m grateful for was that the Webcam model who trained me warned me about fake tips. She told me what real tips look like (the background is always a light yellow with tiny gold coins on the left-hand side) and told me to make sure that I’ve been tipped before I make any kind of requests in free chat.  A few customers tried to trick me that first night and I was so excited that they couldn’t. 

Eventually one of those screen names decided that they wanted to be my very first paid show. I heard a little alert sound and the next thing I knew I had a customer in the little red paid chat box. I knew this customer was paying me for my time and so I kind of felt like I should rush right into things. 

Looking back on it now this customer would have been perfectly happy taking the show slowly but I was nervous and wasn’t sure how to give a show so I just rushed straight to the sexual stuff (missing out on some money) and then thanked him as he logged off and I was sent back into free chat. Remember that if a customer starts asking you questions about yourself he’s happy to take his time so don’t feel like you have to hurry to the finish line. 

“I made the mistake of assuming that every customer wanted the same thing.”

I just kind of assumed that every single customer wanted the same show and that the only real goal was to get me to take my clothes off. It took me a while to understand that every customer is looking for something different I made the mistake of assuming that every customer wanted to see the same thing. Every customer wants something different but it took me a while to understand that so take the time to find out what that something was. 

Once I got back to free chat I was in a virtually empty room and had to go back to waiting for someone to come in and chat with me. Essentially it was the same situation I was in before, they came in and out, some chatted, some didn’t. A few of those first customers were kind and eventually became regulars that I still see in my room to this day. There was one particularly rude guy who started saying rude and bizarre things, I blocked him immediately and then I did a few more short shows before my shift was over. I didn’t make a ton of money on my first day but I did get more comfortable with what was expected of me on the Webcam and I had fun. 

You always want to remember that there’s a person on the other end of your screen and that getting to know them and their reason for getting online is just as important as putting on a show. 

Of course, it’s not unreasonable to think that sex is part of why someone gets online however, a lot of the men you’ll encounter online are lonely and just looking for a companion. Always ask your customers what kind of show they’re looking for. If they don’t tell you do whatever it is you like but allow them to share with you what brought them online in the first place. 

Good luck!